Form for seeking prior approval under Section-2 of the proposals by the State Governments and other authorities, in respect of renewal of leases,
which have been earlier granted clearance under Forest (Conservation) Act,1980
(To be filled up by User Agency)
A. General Details
A-1. Project Details
  (i). Proposal No. : FP/KA/WIND/43786/2020   (ii). Name of Project for which Forest Land is required : Renewal of Lease for 221.80 Ha of Forest Land used for Wind Power Project in Chitradurga, Karnataka   (iii). Short narrative of the proposal and Project/scheme for which the forest land is required : FC Lease renewal for 221.80 hectares of forest land for already established wind power project in favour of Karnataka Renewable Energy Development (KREDAL) sub lease of Enercon (India) Limited, presently Wind World (India) limited on BOT basis in District Chitradurga, Karnataka   (iv). State : Karnataka   (v). Category of the Proposal : Wind Power   (vi). Shape of forest land proposed to be diverted : Hybrid   (vii). Estimated cost of the Project(Rupees in lacs) : 1500   (viii). Area of forest land proposed for diversion(in ha.): 221.8   (ix). Non-forest land required for this project(in ha.): 8.926   (x). Total period for which the forest land is proposed to be diverted(in years): 30
A-2. Details of User Agency
  (i). Name : WIND WORLD INDIA LTD   (ii). Address1 : Wind World (India) Ltd, Wind World Towers, Plot No A-9, CTS No. 700, Veera Industrial Estate, Veera Desai Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai   (iii). Address2 : NIL   (iv). State : Maharashtra   (v). District : Mumbai City   (vi). Pin : 400053   (vii). Landmarks : Next to Bhagavati House   (viii). Email address :   (ix). Landline Telephone No. : 66924848   (x). Fax No. : 66990940   (xi). Mobile No. : 8619103402   (xii). Website (if any) :   (xiii). Details of Proposals seeking prior approval of Central Government under the Act for diversion of forest land submitted by the User Agency in the past  
List of proposal submitted in Past Proposal Status. Proposal No. Moef File No. Area Proposed for Diversion(Ha.) Area Diverted(Ha.) Date of In-Principle Approval Date of Final Approval
  (xiv). Legal status of User Agency : Private
A-3. Details of Person Making Application
  (i). First Name: Mahendra   (ii). Middle Name: Kumar   (iii). Last Name: Sharma   (iv). Gender: Male   (v). Designation: Executive   (vi). Address 1: Wind World India Ltd, WInd World Towers, Plot No A-9, CTS No 700, Veera Desai Road, Andheri West, Mumbai   (vii). Address 2: NIL   (viii). State: Maharashtra   (ix). District: Mumbai City   (x). Tehsil: Andheri   (xi). Pin: 400053   (xii). Landmarks: Next to Bhagavati House   (xiii). Email Address:   (xiv). Landline Telephone No.: 49405000   (xv). Fax No.: NIL   (xvi). Mobile No.: 8619103402   (xvii). Copy of documents in support of the competence/authority of the person making this application to make application on behalf of the User Agency:
A-4. Details of approvals under the Forest (Conservation) Act , 1980 accorded in the past
Serial No Proposal No MoEF File No Date of approval Area of forest land diverted Period of diversion
1FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FC02 Apr 2003221.815
A-5. Status of compliance to conditions stipulated in the previous approvals
Serial No Proposal No MoEF File No Conditions stipulated by the MoEF Details of the compliance
1FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCOut of the 11 WEGs proposed to be erected in sy. no 16 and 17 of Lakkihalli village 02 WEGs (No. E 67 and F 68) which are Pacing the VVSD at Chatrigudda shall not be erected in order to prevent soil erosion affecting the VVSD. The road proposed for the access to remaining 69 WEGs i.e., E 77 to E 69 should be shifted from the aspect facing VVSD to the other aspect of ridge in sy. No. 16 and 17 of Lakkihalli to prevent run-off of the soil to the reservoir. The user agency shall also take precautionary measures like construction of retaining walls, revetments ctc.,to prevent soil erosion which is likely to be caused b' the construction of platforms for installation of WEGs and roads. Also user agency has been directed not to erect WEG's No. EN-1, EN-2, EN-3 in land Sy no. 1 of Mykenahalli village & Sy No 2 of Kattehole village of Hiriyur taluk in Marikanive reserve forest and also not to form the road to these 3 WEG's instead you have been directed to use the already existing Marikanive Kattehole road ( i.e., Bylagudda) to gain access to the remaining WEG's from EN-4 to EN-66 and submit map showing the changes made as per the condition No. 11 of State Government order & as per the directions of this office vide letter no. A6-Windmill-Enercon-CIS-39/99-2000 dated 2-6-2003.As per approved area statement, the erection of 2 WECs (E-67 & E-68) is undertaken with due precautions such as soil moisture conservation and prevention of soil erosion. Also, the GOK order for regularisation of the same is enclosed as Annexure VI.
2FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe Lessee shall in turn sub-lease the area to M/s Enercon (India) Limited on BOT basis as per Govt. Order no. FEE-99-FGL-2001 Bangalore dated 20-6-2003.Agreed and complied.
3FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCDamage if any caused to the Forest Produce as assessed by the Deputy Conservator of Forests, will be recovered from the lessee.Agreed and will be adhered.
4FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCNo tree felling would be carried out in the leased forest land without prior written permission of the Deputy Conseriator of Forests Chitradurga division, Chitradurga.Agreed and strictly followed by us.
5FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCAny other conditions that the Government of India / Government of Karnataka and the Chief Conservator of forests (central), Regional office Bangalore and the Principle Chief conservator of Forests Aranya Bhavana, Bangalore may impose from time to time in the interest of afforestation and protection of Forests.Chitradurga.Noted. Any other condition that the state govt or the chief conservator of forest (Central), Regional office, Bangalore may impose from time to time in the interest of afforestation and protection of forests will be complied by us.
6FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCNow it is hereby mutually agreed to follow all the above conditions and a also the conditions as under:Noted and agreed.
7FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe permissible right of way for 33 KV transmission line through forest land shall be of 15 mtrs width only.Noted and is kept within the stipulated 15 meters. The executed width of the transmission line at present is 8 mtrs though permissible limit is 15 mtrs. This was intended towards saving some forest area which otherwise need to be cleared for the purpose.
8FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe proposal for renewal of lease shall be submitted to the Government at least six months before the expiry of lease period.Noted and attempted. The lease proposal submitted prior to its expiry (Annexure VII)
9FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCBelow the Conductor, width clearance of 3 mtrs would be permitted for taking the tension stringing equipment. The trees on such strips would have to be felled but after stringing work is completed, the natural regeneration will be allowed to come-up. Felling/pollarding/pruning of trees will be done with the permission of the Range forest officer / Deputy Conservator of Forests whenever necessary to maintain the electrical clearance. One outer strip shall be left clear to permit maintenance of the transmission line.Agreed and the same being adhered.
10FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee shall not do any act which is destructive or, permanently injurious to the forest land except what is permitted.Agreed and the same being adhered.
11FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee shall abide by the other terms and conditions as may be imposed by the Central Govt./ State Govt./Karnataka Forest Department from time to time after signing this lease deed without fail.Agreed and the same being adhered.
12FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lease shall be cancelled by Govt. if the lessee does not fulfill any of the conditions of the agreement. In the event of such cancellation the lessee shall not claim any compensation or damages from the Govt. On expiry of the contract period, the lessee shall remove all fixtures and movables which have been paid for-by him, from the demised land :within a period of 6 months from the date of expiry of lease period and the lessee shall hand-over the vacant possession of the area at the end of the period specified Failing which the Government shall be at a liberty to take suitable action as per the Forest Conservation Act 1980 and Karnataka Forest Act 1963 & Karnataka Forest Rule 1969 & any other Act and Rules aplicable.Noted and same will be complied.
13FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee shall be liable to Government for the amount of all damages which, at any time previous to the date of expiry of termination of this agreement or such earlier date as the Deputy Conservator of Forests, may order in writing fix in this behalf, may be caused to any forest produce belonging to Government within the area under lease, by illicit cutting, by fire, or by cattle grazing, if such a cutting or fire is traceable to any act or omission of the lessee, his servants or agents for such cattle belong to or have been allowed to graze by the lessee, includes his heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives and assigns. Failure to pay the said amount of damage as assessed by the Deputy Conservator of Forests, shall make the lessee liable to pay to Govt. a penalty of an amount upto Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five thousand only) and the amount of damage and such penalty shall be recoverable from the lessee under section 109 and 112 of the Karnataka Forest Act -1963 as an arrears of land revenue or under any other law according to which it would be recovered.Noted and agreed.
14FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee has the necessary power to enter into this deed and perform its obligations under this deed and has taken all necessary corporate and other actions to authorise the execution, delivery and performance of this deed in accordance with the terms stipulated by the company.Noted and agreed.
15FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee shall duly comply with any condition which may from time to time be imposed by the Government and shall indemnify and keep indemnified the company against consequences for any breech or non- compliance of any provision or conditions as aforesaid.Noted and agreed.
16FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lease deed is liable to cancellation if it be found that it was grossly inequitable or was made under a mistake or fact or owing to misrepresentation or fraud or that there was irregularity in the procedure.Noted and agreed.
17FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee shall not except as provided erect buildings, facilities or structures of a permanent or temporary character on the land without the previous written sanction of the Deputy Conservator of Forests, Chitradurga Division, Chitradurga.Noted and will be adhered.
18FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee shall maintain the said land in a clean and sanitary condition to the satisfaction of the lessor and shall also maintain the structures if any erected thereon as aforesaid in a good and substantial repair to the satisfaction of the lessor.Noted and will be adhered.
19FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee shall be responsible for keeping the property erected by him properly insured against any damage by fire, earthquake, natural disasters etc.,Noted and will be adhered.
20FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCM/s Enercon (India) Ltd., may erect Wind electric Generators in accordance with the approved plan(s) of the KREDL.Noted and complied.
21FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe land and the building(s) constructed on the leased land shall not be used for political meetings or any other purpose for which land is not leased.Noted and complied.
22FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee shall permit the officers and servant of the government with or without workmen at all times to enter upon the lands aforesaid to view the condition and state thereofNoted and will be adhered.
23FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee shall not assign or underlet the benefits arising under this lease or any part thereof without the previous written permission of the GovernmentNoted and will be adhered.
24FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe Government reserve to themselves the right to all sandalwood trees and their branches and roots which exist at the time of lease (which are described in the schedule-I attached) and as well those which may grow subsequently on the lands leased and the Government shall be at liberty to cut or dig out any such trees or their roots and branches and remove them from the land in question be entitled to cut or remove them or cause them to be cut or removed without the permission of the Deputy Conservator of Forests.Noted and will be adhered.
25FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee shall take all reasonable measures to the satisfaction of the Deputy Conservator of Forests for the protection of the sandalwood trees from theft or damage and for the careful protection of immature trees growing on the land.Noted and will be adhered.
26FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee shall take steps to see that the marks made by the officers of the Government on the sandalwood trees are preserved and are not tampered withNoted and will be adhered.
27FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCIn the event of the infringement of, or failure to observe any of the conditions mentioned in (19), (20) or (21) above, the lessee shall pay the government such compensation as determined by the Deputy Conservator of Forests for any loss or damage caused by such infringement or failure on his part. The Government shall also be at liberty to cancel the lease and re-enter on the land and the whole land shall there upon vest absolutely in the Government. In that case the lessee shall not be entitled to any compensation whatever.Noted and agreed.
28FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee may uproot, cut down or destroy such trees, plants, groves or bushes as in the opinion of the Deputy Conservator of Forests it is necessary to uproot, cut down or destroy to make the land fit for the purpose of making an approach road to Wind Farm and hand over the felled / cut material to the Range Forest Officer concerned on acknowledgement without fail. The lessee may level the ground by removing embanked pathways and filling up low-lying places on the land so as to make the ground fit for the purpose of making an approach road to Wind Farm and may mow and cut the grass thereon and dispose of the same in any manner Forest Department prescribes and do such work on the lane, which in the opinion of the Government, is necessary For such purposes.Noted and will be adhered.
29FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee shall carry out rigidly all necessary soil and water conservation measures as suggested by the Forest Department. Further, the lessee should plant up suitable species to consolidate the dug up soil and to prevent soil erosion on either side of the approach road. Adequate funds provision should be made by the lessee to take up above works.Noted and complied. The payment towards the same (as indicated by the Demand Note of the Office of DCF Chitadurga) is remitted in CAMPA account (INR.102.31 lacs) as per Annexure V & VA.
30FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee shall protect and nurture the natural tree growth in the leased areaNoted and being adhered. We will protect and nurture the natural tree growth in the leased area.
31FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee shall rigidly under take protective measures in the leased area and area surrounding it upto 1 Km radius against any fire incidents, illicit fellings, biotic interference etc,,Noted and being strictly followed. We are taking all protactive measures against fire incidents, illicit fellings, biotic interference etc in the leased area. Such measures are undertakne under the guidance the Forest dept.
32FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCDemarcation of the leased land will be done on the ground at project cost by the user agency using 4 feet high concrete pillars with serial numbers, bearing and distance from pillar to pillar and visible clearly.Noted and complied. Demarction of leased area was done by fixing RCC pillars around the leased area.
33FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCAll along the roads either a retention wall or a sand bag support should be provided to avoid soil erosion from the approach road wherever necessary.Noted and agreed. These works are categorised under SMC works, for which, payment of Rs.102.31 lacs was made to CAMPA/Ac as per the demand note raised by the Forest Department.
34FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCAll employees concerned to wind farm activity should have an identity card duly issued by the lessee, under intimation to the concerned Range Forest Officer, Asst. Conservator of Forests and the Deputy Conservator of Forests, Chitradurga. Further, the list of contract labourers daily wage labourers engaged by the lessee should be submitted to the Range Forest Officer/Asst. Conservator of Forests & Deputy Conservator of ForestsNoted and being followed.
35FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee shall pay compensation to the workmen for any injury, death, disability etc., caused or occurred during the time of execution of work under workmen's compensation. Act or any Act inforce from time to time. The lessee is responsible for any commissions and omissions of his workmen.Noted and being followed.
36FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCNothing in the fore-going conditions shall be taken to except the lessee or his employees from liability in respect of any forest offence punishable under the Karnataka Forest Act 1963 and subsequent amendments and rules thereunder and violation of Forest Conservation Act 1980 also.Noted and agreed.
37FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee shall abide by all the provisions of the Wildlife (Protection) Act —1972 and Wild Life Preservation Rules - 1973.Noted and agreed.
38FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee will do the fire line clearance to a width of 10 mtrs, on either side of the approach roads formed in the leased forest land and also in the adjoining forest land. Further, the lessee shall provide necessary assistance and co-operation to the forest department on the request of the Deputy Conservator of Forests, Chitradurga Division, Asst. Conservator of Forests, Range Forest Officers, Foresters, and Guards during fire season.Noted. We will follow instructions from the local foerst officials and extend all the necessary support towards the fire protection measures including the payment towards the same as per the demand notice received from the forest offices.
39FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee should instruct and endeavor that all the labourers and staff should not carry the inflammable materials as a preventive measure against any eventualities or forest fires.Noted and adhered.
40FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee his staff and labourer have to give full co-operation to forest, revenue and police officers in extinguishing the forest fires, prevention/book of forest offences.Noted and adhered.
41FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCIf any dispute arises on the interpretation and implementation of above conditions and working difficulty, the matter will be referred to the Government of Karnataka and its decision thereon, shall be binding on both the parties.Noted and agreed.
42FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCIn case of violation of any terms and conditions of this agreement, Government of India and Government of Karnataka conditions stipulated in respect of this lease, by the lessee the Deputy Conservator of Forests, Chitradurga has the right to suspend or cancel the works.Noted and agreed.
43FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee shall enter into an agreement with forest department in respect of forest land lease. The forest department reserves the right to cancel the land lease in case of any violation of above terms and conditions.Noted and agreed.
44FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe Asst. Conservator of Forests/Range Forest Officer concerned should keep a close vigil over the leased forest area and see that all the stipulated conditions are scrupulously followed in toto without any deviation and they should ensure that no damage is caused to the forest and to the surrounding area.Noted and agreed.
45FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe term "Deputy Conservator of Forests" shall be deemed to mean the Deputy Conservator of Forests, Chitradurga Division or any forest officer authorised by him in writing to act in the matter of the clause in which the said term is employed.Noted.
46FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe term "Conservator of Forests" shall be deemed to mean the Conservator of Forests, Bellary Circle, or any forest officer, authorised by him in writing to act in the matter of clause in which the said term is employed.Noted.
47FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe legal status of forest land shall remain unchanged.Noted & agreed. It will be remain as forest land only.
48FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe period of permission for lease under F(c) Act-1980 will be for a period of fifteen (15) years.Noted that the lease is for a period 15 years in the first instance as per the GOK order.
49FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCCompensatory afforestation shall be raised over equivalent non-forest land at the project cost. The user agency has also identified & transferred the non-forest land over 222.00 ha. and mutated in favour of the Forest Department at T. Nulenur village Sy No. 46, 47, 50, 51, Todarnal village Sy No. 16, 17, 18, 19 & Yelakuranahalli village Sy No. 21.Noted and complied. User Agency already provided equivalent forest land to forest department and paid the required compensatory afforestation charges to maintain it as per the demand letter of DCF, Chitraduga Division (Annexure III).
50FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe non-forest land transferred to forest department for compensatory afforestation shall be declared protected forest/reserve forest under Indian Forest Act 1927 Karnataka Forest Act 1963. Proposals for section —4 notification under Karnataka-Forest Act- 1963 were submitted to the Higher Authorities vide this office letter no. A6-Windmill —ENCR-CR-33/1999-2000 dated 10-2-2003.Noted and complied. The non forest land has been successfully transferred to Forest Dept for Compensatory Afforestation for declaring it as Protected Forest/ Reserve Forest under Indian Forest Act 1927.
51FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe lessee shall pay the lease rent as fixed by the Government from time to time in time without fail.Agreed, complied and will be adhered. As per GOK order yearly lease rent paid upto 2018 (Annexure I). Communication stating lease rent will be changed till the lease currency is enclosed (Annexure II).
52FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCIt shall be ensured that wind farm is erected/designed in such a manner to avoid future damage due to high velocity winds, so that adjoining vegetation is not damaged and disturbed.Noted and complied. It can be noted that the windmills are erected on the top having no tall trees. The vegetation is predominantly grassland and scrub. In addition, the height of windmills is around 44 meters which is by design sufficiently high (minimum of 40 meters above the existing vegetation in the surroundings) thereby ensuring, no damages to the adjoining vegetation. Representative images attached (Annexure IV)
53FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe leased out area should be used for the purpose for which it is granted. In case. the land is not used for stipulated purpose or when it no longer needed for the stipulated purpose the area should be automatically revert back to the forest department.Noted and complied. The forest land shall not be used for any purpose other than that specified in the proposal. The UA wil revert the land back to forest department if it is no longer needed for the project.
54FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe user agency shall deposit funds for raising compensatory plantations at the prevailing rate at the time of sanction. The user agency has already remitted a sum of Rs. 1,20, 32,400/- ( One crore Twenty lakhs Thirty two thousand Four hundred) only through Cheque in favour of Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Bangalore at HDFC Bank, Bangalore at the rate of Rs. 54,200/- (Fifty four thousand Two hundred ) only per ha.Noted and complied. We have deposited Rs.1,20,32,400/- towards CA Charges to FD (Annexure V and VA).
55FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe user agency has to pay the extraction charges of tree growth and value of the timber and firewood so extracted as assessed by the Conservator of Forests/Deputy Conservator of Forests. The User Agency has remitted Rs. 3,46,256/- (Three lakh Forty six thousand Two hundred fifty six ) only towards value of timber & firewood in the form of D. D and the user agency has intimated vide letter no. KRED/08/EIC-GIM /2001/1275 dated 18-8-2003 that it has paid Rs. 1,95,020/- (One lakh Ninety Five thousand and Twenty) only towards extraction charges to the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Bangalore. Further the user agency had also paid an amount of Rs. 11,625/-(Eleven thousand Six hundred twenty live) only towards plantation loss as assessed by the Deputy Conservator of Forests.Agreed and complied. We have paid extraction charges of tree growth and value of the timber and firewood so extracted as assessed by the Conservator of Forest/Deputy Conservator of Forests (paid Rs 1,95,020/- for extraction charges of tree growth and Rs 3,46,256/- for extraction of timber and firewood) (Annexure VA-under other category I).
56FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCThe approval under the Forest Conservation Act 1980 is subject to the clearance under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 if applicable.Noted. Environmental Clearance is required for the projects/ activities having significant impacts on the environment. Accordingly such projects are listed under EIA Notification 2006. Since Windmill projects are environment friendly, they are not been listed under projects requiring prior environmental clearance.
A-6. Details of payments made in respect of the approval under the Forest (Conservation) Act , 1980 accorded in the past
Serial No Proposal No MoEF File No Item/Nature Amount paid (in Rupees) Date of Payment
1FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCNet present value6945151018 Apr 2011
2FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCCompensatory Afforestation1203240003 Nov 2002
3FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCOthers34625618 Aug 2003
4FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCOthers19502018 Aug 2003
5FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCOthers1162518 Aug 2003
6FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCOthers744292024 Jul 2017
7FP/KA/OTHERS/342/20028-84/2002-FCOthers1023100029 Jun 2013
A-7. Details of the forest land returned back to the State Forest Department or any other Authority from the forest land diverted in favour of the user agency
A-9. Details of Transfer of Lease
Serial No Name of person Address of person Date of transfer MMDR File Transfer Deed Conservation MoEF_file No Date of approval MoEF file
B. Details of land required for the Project
B-1. Details of proposal seeking prior approval of Central Government under the Act for diversion of forest land for the Project already submitted in the past
  (i). Whether any proposal seeking prior approval of Central Government under the Act for diversion of forest land required for the project has been submitted in the past?. : Yes   (ii). Details of proposal seeking prior approval of Central Government under the Act for diversion of forest land for the Project already submitted in the past.
List of proposal submitted in Past Proposal Status. Proposal No. Moef File No. Area Proposed for Diversion(Ha.) Area Diverted(Ha.) Date of In-Principle Approval Date of Final Approval
B-2. Details of forest land proposed to be diverted
B-2.1 Details of Divisions involved
Details of Divisions involved Division Name Forest Land(ha.) Non-Forest Land(ha.)
B-2.2 Details of Districts involved
District wise breakup District Name Forest Land(ha.) Non-Forest Land(ha.)
B-2.3 Village wise breakup
Villages wise breakup Village Forest Land(ha.) Non-Forest Land(ha.)
1Ittagehalli Survey No 4800.398
2Ittagehalli Survey No 5101.072
3Ittagehalli Survey No 5201.259
4Ittagehalli Survey No 5402.235
5G. Neralkere Survey No 20500.036
6G. Neralkere Survey No 20600.215
7G. Neralkere Survey No 22900.192
8G. Neralkere Survey No 23000.067
9G. Neralkere Survey No 23100.07
10G. Neralkere Survey No 23200.074
11G. Neralkere Survey No 23300.089
12G. Neralkere Survey No 23400.052
13G. Neralkere Survey No 24200.435
14G. Neralkere Survey No 24300.658
15G. Neralkere Survey No 24400.073
16G. Neralkere Survey No 24500.054
17G. Neralkere Survey No 24600.066
18G. Neralkere Survey No 24700.065
19G. Neralkere Survey No 24800.052
20G. Neralkere Survey No 24900.059
21Vanivilaspura Survey No 2400.118
22Vanivilaspura Survey No 2500.207
23Vanivilaspura Survey No 2600.227
24Vanivilaspura Survey No 5700.465
25Vanivilaspura Survey No 7600.079
26Vanivilaspura Survey No 7700.216
27Kakkeharavu Survey No 500.202
28Kakkeharavu Survey No 600.191
29Lakkihalli Survey No 163.1720
30Lakkihalli Survey No 177.7550
31Ittagehalli Survey No 4715.8750
32Ittagehalli Survey No 5313.5970
33Ittagehalli Survey No 1005.450
34Ittagehalli Survey No 10115.8090
35Ittagehalli Survey No 10211.9540
36Ittagehalli Survey No 10300
37Catchment Area16.2560
38G. Neralkere Survey No 1000.0670
39G. Neralkere Survey No 1027.8270
40Mykenahalli Survey No 11.3220
41Kattehole Survey No 12.1280
42Kattehole Survey No 24.710
43Haldyamanahalli Survey No 60.7870
44Haldyamanahalli Survey No 50.9810
45Haldyamanahalli Survey No 74.3370
46Yelladakere Survey No 5216.0440
47Yelladakere Survey No 5317.580
48Yelladakere Survey No 5400
49Yelladakere Survey No 6700
50Doddapur Survey No 1012.860
51Kallehadlu Survey No 4021.1220
52Yarehalli Survey No 159.0140
53Thekalavatti Survey No 5929.2580
54Thekalavatti Survey No 800.5280
55Thekalavatti Survey No 602.5210
56Kolalu Survey No 1120.8460
221.8 8.926
B-2.4 Component wise breakup
Component wise breakup Component Forest Land(ha.) Non-Forest Land(ha.)
1Platform Area46.8180
2Road Area (including Curvature)99.8170.641
333 KV Electrical Line Area (15 mtr width)74.5328.285
4Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB) Yard Area0.5420
5Control Room Area0.0910
Total 221.8 8.926
C. Maps of forest land proposed to be diverted
Division 1. : Chitradurga
  (i). Area of forest land proposed to be diverted(in ha.) : 221.8   (ii).Shape of forest land proposed to be diverted : Hybrid   (a). No. of patches : One
Patch wise details
Patch No. Area of Patch(in ha.) Kml File of Patches To view KML file on google the same may be downloaded and then open if in google earth install in your computer.
1.145.651    View File
  (b). No. of Segments : One
Segments wise details
Segmenst Segment Area(in ha.) Kml File of SegmentsTo view KML file on google the same may be downloaded and then open if in google earth install in your computer.
1.76.149    View File
  (iii). Copy of Survey of India Toposheet indicating boundary of forest land proposed to be diverted:   (iv). Scanned copy of the Geo-referenced map of the forest land proposed to be diverted prepared by using DGPS or Total Station:
D. Justification for locating the Project in forest land and details of alternatives examined
  (i). Copy of note containing justification for locating the Project in forest land:
E. Employment likely to be generated
  (i). Whether the Project is likely to generate employment ?: Yes   (ii). Permanent/Regular Employment(Number of persons): 20   (iii). Temporary Employment(Number of person-days): 80
F. Displacement of People due to the Project, if any
  (i). Whether Project involves displacement?: No
G. Details of Cost-Benefit analysis for the Project
  (i). Whether the Project requires Cost-Benefit analysis?: Yes   (a). Copy of Cost-Benefit analysis:
H. Status of Environmental Clearance
  (i). Whether the Project requires Clearance under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 ? : No
I. Status of Wildelife Clearance
  (i). Whether the Project or a part thereof is located in any Protected Area or their Eco sensitive zone? : Yes   (a). Whether Project or a part thereof is located within a Protected Area ? : Yes   (b). Status of approval of the Supreme Court : Application yet to b   (ii). Status of approval of the Standing Committee of National Board for the Wildlife(NBWL) to the Project : Application yet to be submmitted
J. Applicability of special provisions governing Scheduled Areas
  (i).Whether the Project or a part thereof is located in a Scheduled Area? : No
K. Status of settlement of rights under the Forest Rights Act,2006 on the forest land proposed to be diverted
  (i). Whether the process for settlement of Rights under the Forest Rights Acts 2006 on the forest land proposed to be diverted has been completed? : Yes   (a). Copy of documentry evidence in support of settlement of rights under the Forest Rights Act,2006 on the forest land proposed to be diverted:
L. Details of land identified for Compensatory Afforestation
  (i). Whether non-forest or Revenue forest land is required to be provided by User Agency?: No   (ii). Whether the area of non-forest land or Revenue forest land required to be provided by User Agency for raising Compensatory Afforestation is less than area of forest land proposed to be diverted ?: No   (iii) . Reason for not providing Non-Forest Land: Renewal of lease where compensatory afforestation had been stipulated and done in respect of the applied area at the time of grant/renewal of lease earlier.
Additional information Details
S.No Documents
1Compliance of EDS raised by Deputy Conservator of Forests, Chitradurga on 02-12-2020
2KREDL permission to apply for Renewal of lease.
3Lease Rent Payment Details
4221.80 Ha Project Payment Details
5CA land tabular Details
6CA land ownership RTC proof
7CA land Topo and Village Maps
8Compliance of EDS raised by Deputy Conservator of Forests, Chitradurga
9Compliance of EDS raised by Deputy Conservator of Forests, Chitradurga on 08-03-2022
10Covering letter to justify the new proposal submission with withdrawal request.
11221.80 Ha project VVS site approved drawing
12221.80 Ha project GIM1 site approved drawing
13GOI Certificate for Change of Name of User Agency from Enercon India to Wind World India Limited
14Geo-referenced Map of GIM1 site coming under Jogimatti Wildlife Sanctuary.
15Toposheet showing Jogimatti Wildlife Sanctuary & its Eco-sensitive zone showing with GIM1 site
16Undertaking for Submission of application for Wildlife Clearance for Area falling under Jogimatti Wildlife Sanctuary
17Undertaking To Pay The Cost Of Raising Compensatory Afforestation/NPV/Medicinal Plantation/SMC
18Compliance Annexure-I
19Compliance Annexure-II
20Compliance Annexure-III
21Compliance Annexure-IV
22Compliance Annexure-V
23Compliance Annexure-VI
24Compliance Annexure-VII
25Compliances in PDF format
26Non Forest Area statement
27WWIL covering letter for revising the letter to 221.80 Ha.
28C Comparative Forest Area Statement Approved vs As Built for lease renewal
29V 221.80 Ha Project VVS Site Platform coordinates
30Compliance of EDS raised by Deputy Conservator of Forests, Chitradurga on 17-09-2021
31221.80 Ha Project VVS Site Wind Mills coordinates
32221.80 Ha Project GIM1 Site Wind Mills coordinates
33221.80 Ha Project VVS Site Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB) coordinates
34221.80 Ha Project GIM1 Site Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB) coordinates
35221.80 Ha Project VVS Site Road coordinates
36221.80 Ha Project GIM1 Site Road coordinates
37221.80 Ha Project GIM1 Site Platform coordinates
38221.80 Ha Project VVS Site Electrical line coordinates
39221.80 Ha Project GIM1 Site Electrical line coordinates
40221.80 Ha Project VVS Site Control Room coordinates
41221.80 Ha Project GIM1 Site Control Room coordinates
42VVS Original Scanned Village Maps with superimposed drawings
43Compliance letter by WWIL for the Query raised by forest department on 16/12/2019
44GIM1 site Original Scanned Village Maps with superimposed drawings