(To be filled by the concerned Deputy Conservator of Forest)
State Serial No. of proposal : ML-03/2021
1. Location of the project/Scheme : Meghalaya
 (i) State / Union Territory : Meghalaya  (ii) District : East Khasi Hills  (iii) Forest Division : Khasi Hills  (iv) Area of forest land proposed for diversion (in ha.) : 5.156  (v)

Category of the Proposal: Mining
2. Legal status of forest land proposed for diversion
S. No. DivisionForest Land(ha.)Legal Status
1Khasi Hills5.156Private Forest
Total 5.156
Division 1. : Khasi Hills
3. District wise area to be diverted in the division
S. No. DistrictArea(ha.)
1East Khasi Hills5.156
4. Details of Vegetation available in the forest land proposed for diversion
 (i) Density of vegetation
S. No. Area(in ha.)Density Eco-Class
15.15680Eco 5
Total. 5.156

(ii) Species-wise local/scientific names and girth-wise enumeration of trees at FRL
S. No. Scientific Name Local Name (0-30)cm. (31-60)cm. (61-90)cm. (91-120)cm. (121-150)cm. (>150)cm.
1Albizia Procera183114561712
2Artocarpus Hirsuta1127712700
3Bauhinia Parviflora20210223130
4OthersDieng duid118263100
5OthersDieng Iong38100001
6OthersDieng Sohkhar86320310
7Duabanga Grandiflora634620200
8Emblica Officianalis010000
9Emblica Sps147276100
10Ficus Bengalensis2318618310
Total 2082 792187 468 6
Sub Total (No of Trees.) 3121

5. Working plan prescription for the forest land proposed for diversion : NIL
6. Brief note on vulnerability of the forest area to erosion : The proposed area is not prone to erosion.
7. Approximate distance of the proposed site for diversion from boundary of forest(in km.) : 42
8. Significance of the forest land proposed for diversion from wildlife point of view
 (i). Details of wildlife present in and around the forest land proposed for diversion : Nil
 (ii). Whether forms part of national park, wildlife sanctuary, biosphere reserve,tiger reserve, elephant corridor, wildlife migration corridor etc. : No
 (iii). Whether the forest land proposed for diversion is located within eco-sensitive zone(ESZ) of the Protected Area notified under Wildlife(Protection) Act,1972 (Note: In case, ESZ of a Protected Area is not notified,then,10kms distance from boundary of the Protected Area should be treated as ESZ): No
 (iv). Whether any national park, wildlife sanctuary, biosphere reserve, tiger reserve, elephant corridor, wildlife migration corridor etc., is located within 1 Km. from boundary of the forest land proposed for diversion : No
 (v). Whether any rare/endangered/unique species of flora and fauna found in the area : No
9. Details of any protected archaeological/heritage site/defence establishment or any other important monument located in the area, if any
 (i). Whether any protected archaeological/heritage site/defence establishment or any other important monument is located in the area : No
10. Comment as to the reasonability of the extent of the forest land proposed for diversion
 (i). Whether the requirement of forest land as proposed by the user agency is unavoidable and bare minimum for the project : Yes
11. Details of violation(s), if any ,committed
 (i). Whether any work in violation of the Act or guidelines issued under the Act has been carried out : No
12. Whether work in violation is still in progres(Yes/No) : NIL
13. Details of compensatory afforestation scheme
(i). Patch wise details of non-forest or Revenue forest land to be provided by User Agency for CA
Patch Wise Details
S.noDistrict NameVillageArea(in ha.)khasraKML filePresent Owner file
NO Data

Additional information Details
S. No. DocumentsRemarks
1 Raising CA Scheme
2 Suitability certificate

14. District Profile District NameGeographical area of the district (in ha.)Forest area of the district (in ha.)Total forest area diverted since 1980 (in ha.)No. of Approved CasesForest Land including penal C.A. (in ha.)Progress of compensatory afforestation as on(date)A) Forest land (in ha.)B) Non-forest land (in ha.)
1East Khasi Hills274800175100204.5278475.5095607/12/202100
15. Site inspection report of the DFO/CCF/Nodal Officer highlighting important facts pertaining to the forest land
Division NameCircleSite inspected ByWhether site inspectedNo. of times site visited Site inspection reportDate of visit
Khasi HillsKhasi&Jaintia HillsDFOYesOne11/10/2021
 Khasi&Jaintia HillsCFYesOne21/02/2022
(Specific recommendation of the DFO/CCF/Nodal Officer with(Part II,III & Part IV))
16. Specific recommendation of the DFO/CCF/Nodal Officer for acceptance or otherwise of the proposal with reason
DivisionCircleRecommendation ByRecommendationReasonLetter Whether CF agreed
Khasi HillsKhasi&Jaintia HillsDFO RecommendedThe requirement area of 5.156 ha for the proposed project of M/s Lafarge Umiam Mining is unavoidable and barest minimum and also the proposed shale siltstone mining will help in generating revenue for the state and also cater the needs and create employment opportunity for the local people. Hence, the project is recommended.
Khasi&Jaintia HillsCF RecommendedThe requirement area of 5.156 ha for the proposed project of M/s Lafarge Umiam Mining is unavoidable and barest minimum and also the proposed shale siltstone mining will help in generating revenue for the state and also cater the needs and create employment opportunity for the local people. Hence, the project is recommended.Yes
Nodal Officer RecommendedThe proposal pertains to the shale siltstone mining project at Shella Village, East Khasi Hills District owned by M/s Lafarge Umiam Mining Pvt. Ltd. As per the inspection report submitted by the Conservator of Forests T & WL , Khasi & Jaintia Hills, Shillong, and the Divisional Forest Officer, East Khasi Hills & Ri Bhoi T Division, Shillong, the proposed land has been found to be a forest land deemed forest . As per the recommendation of the Conservator of Forests T & WL , Khasi & Jaintia Hills, Shillong, and the Divisional Forest Officer, East Khasi Hills & Ri Bhoi T Division, Shillong, the proposal is recommended subject to the approval of the State Government and the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Govt. of India under FC Act, 1980. Since, the matter is related to FC Act, 1980, appropriate terms and conditions may be applied to the project proponent as deemed fit. Hence, the proposal is recommended.
Specific recommendation of the State Government(Part V)
17. Specific recommendation of the State Government for acceptance or otherwise of the proposal with reason ( Part V)
StateRecommendation ByRecommendationRecommendation DateRemarksSigning AuthorityNotificationRecommendation Letter
MeghalayaState SecretaryRecommended20/01/2023The project is for mining of shale and siltstone which will create employment opportunities to local people and also generate revenue to State Government in the form of Royalty. Hence, the project is recommended. State Govt. OfficerNo Data