(To be filled by the concerned Deputy Conservator of Forest)
State Serial No. of proposal : KL-034/2019
1. Location of the project/Scheme : Kerala
 (i) State / Union Territory : Kerala  (ii) District : Kozhikode  (iii) Forest Division : Kozhikode  (iv) Area of forest land proposed for diversion (in ha.) : 1.9801  (v)

Category of the Proposal: Hydel
2. Legal status of forest land proposed for diversion
S. No. DivisionForest Land(ha.)Legal Status
1Kozhikode1.9801Reserved Forest
Total 1.9801
Division 1. : Kozhikode
3. District wise area to be diverted in the division
S. No. DistrictArea(ha.)
4. Details of Vegetation available in the forest land proposed for diversion
 (i) Density of vegetation
S. No. Area(in ha.)Density Eco-Class
11.98010.6Eco 1
Total. 1.9801

(ii) Species-wise local/scientific names and girth-wise enumeration of trees at FRL
S. No. Scientific Name Local Name (0-30)cm. (31-60)cm. (61-90)cm. (91-120)cm. (121-150)cm. (>150)cm.
2Misc. Speciesmukkanni014042
3Misc. SpeciesPalakapayyani011300
4Alstonia Scholarispala000100
6Misc. SpeciesVatta143310
10Azadirachta IndicaVeppe000010
12Borasis FlebiliferPana001000
18Myristica FragranceJaathi021000
19Syzigium SpsMundakam100000
20Misc. SpeciesKambily001000
21Misc. SpeciesCheeni000021
22Misc. SpeciesVellapain1518330
23Terminalia PaniculataMaruth010000
24Butea MonospermaChamatha001200
25Misc. SpeciesKarimaram013100
26Misc. SpeciesSeemanelli010000
27Misc. SpeciesMurikke071101
28Misc. SpeciesCharavatta010000
29Misc. SpeciesRubber7140000
30Misc. SpeciesThalimaram010000
31Tectona GrandisCheruthekke010000
32Misc. SpeciesAmbazham010000
33Bischofia JavanicaNeeli020000
34Terminalia Chebulakadukka010000
35Misc. SpeciesTholaranji000101
36Artocarpus HeterophyllusPlave013200
37Misc. SpeciesPerinkilam010000
38Misc. SpeciesMarotty013000
40Misc. SpeciesPoovam021000
41Misc. SpeciesKATTUCHAMBA010000
42Misc. SpeciesMatti010000
43Misc. SpeciesSeemakonna891000
44Terminalia BellaricaThanni000110
45Melotus PhilippensisSindoori031000
46Bombox CeibaIlavu010100
48Anacardium OccidentaleKasumave261000
49Misc. SpeciesKumizhu020000
50Mangifera Indicamaavu030300
51Misc. SpeciesCheeni000010
52Misc. SpeciesAnamayakki002000
53Misc. SpeciesKaatujathi050000
54Misc. SpeciesVankana020000
55Misc. SpeciesPuzhavanchi012000
56Ficus RacemosaAthi000110
57Misc. SpeciesPathiri000010
58Misc. SpeciesIrumbakam000000
59Misc. SpeciesParakam132020
60Misc. SpeciesKorangatti020000
Total 23 10856 2420 8
Sub Total (No of Trees.) 239

(iii) Species-wise local/scientific names and girth-wise enumeration of trees at FRL-2 meter
S. No. Scientific Name Local Name (0-30)cm. (31-60)cm. (61-90)cm. (91-120)cm. (121-150)cm. (>150)cm.
1Ficus Mysorensisparayal000112
Total 0 00 11 2
Sub Total (No of Trees.) 4

(iv) Species-wise local/scientific names and girth-wise enumeration of trees at FRL-4 meter
S. No. Scientific Name Local Name (0-30)cm. (31-60)cm. (61-90)cm. (91-120)cm. (121-150)cm. (>150)cm.
1Misc. Speciescheru061000
Total 0 61 00 0
Sub Total (No of Trees.) 7

5. Working plan prescription for the forest land proposed for diversion : to keep as natural forest
6. Brief note on vulnerability of the forest area to erosion : The area is slopy area and it is in the bank of a river and rocky area, no chance ofr huge errossion
7. Approximate distance of the proposed site for diversion from boundary of forest(in km.) : 0
8. Significance of the forest land proposed for diversion from wildlife point of view
 (i). Details of wildlife present in and around the forest land proposed for diversion : Elephant ,wild gaur, leopard and other small animals are present in the area
 (ii). Whether forms part of national park, wildlife sanctuary, biosphere reserve,tiger reserve, elephant corridor, wildlife migration corridor etc. : No
 (iii). Whether the forest land proposed for diversion is located within eco-sensitive zone(ESZ) of the Protected Area notified under Wildlife(Protection) Act,1972 (Note: In case, ESZ of a Protected Area is not notified,then,10kms distance from boundary of the Protected Area should be treated as ESZ): No
 (iv). Whether any national park, wildlife sanctuary, biosphere reserve, tiger reserve, elephant corridor, wildlife migration corridor etc., is located within 1 Km. from boundary of the forest land proposed for diversion : No
 (v). Whether any rare/endangered/unique species of flora and fauna found in the area : No
9. Details of any protected archaeological/heritage site/defence establishment or any other important monument located in the area, if any
 (i). Whether any protected archaeological/heritage site/defence establishment or any other important monument is located in the area : No
10. Comment as to the reasonability of the extent of the forest land proposed for diversion
 (i). Whether the requirement of forest land as proposed by the user agency is unavoidable and bare minimum for the project : Yes
11. Details of violation(s), if any ,committed
 (i). Whether any work in violation of the Act or guidelines issued under the Act has been carried out : No
12. Whether work in violation is still in progres(Yes/No) : NIL
13. Details of compensatory afforestation scheme
(i). Patch wise details of non-forest or Revenue forest land to be provided by User Agency for CA
Patch Wise Details District Name VillageArea(in ha.)khasraKML filePresent Owner file
1WayanadPadinjarathara2.1229271/1 & 271/12
(ii). Upload a scanned copy of the Geo-referenced map of the forest land proposed for C.A. prepared by using DGPS or Total Station: (iii). Upload a copy of Survey of India Toposheet indicating boundary of forest land proposed for C.A: (iv). Copy of CA scheme details: (iv). Copy of CA scheme details: NA
Patch wise details for Degraded Area (To be earmarked by DFO)
Patch Wise Details Division Name Patch No. Area(in ha.)Name of PF/RFRangeVillage NameSurvey No.Compartment No./any identification No. KML file of patch
1Kozhikode12VFC Item No.5 Olathuky and Arialakkan Malavaram-PeruvannamuzhiKoorachund902Nil
(i). Upload a scanned copy of the Geo-referenced map of the forest land proposed for C.A. prepared by using DGPS or Total Station: (ii). Upload a copy of Survey of India Toposheet indicating boundary of forest land proposed for C.A: (iii). Copy of CA scheme details: (iv). Total Financial Outlay for C.A: 41 (v). Whether the land identified by User Agency is suitable for CA and from managementpoint of view?: Yes (vi). Copy of certificate regarding suitability of land identified for CA and from management point of view: (vii). Copy of detailed CA scheme including species to be planted,implementing agency,time schedule,cost structure etc.:
Additional information Details
S. No. DocumentsRemarks
1 the proposal is essential for the completion of the project
2 Site Suitability Certificate

14. District Profile District NameGeographical area of the district (in ha.)Forest area of the district (in ha.)Total forest area diverted since 1980 (in ha.)No. of Approved CasesForest Land including penal C.A. (in ha.)Progress of compensatory afforestation as on(date)A) Forest land (in ha.)B) Non-forest land (in ha.)
15. Site inspection report of the DFO/CCF/Nodal Officer highlighting important facts pertaining to the forest land
Division NameCircleSite inspected ByWhether site inspectedNo. of times site visited Site inspection reportDate of visit
KozhikodeCCF Northern CircleDFOYesOne29/11/2019
 CCF Northern CircleCFYesOne05/12/2020
 Nodal OfficerNoNo Data
(Specific recommendation of the DFO/CCF/Nodal Officer with(Part II,III & Part IV))
16. Specific recommendation of the DFO/CCF/Nodal Officer for acceptance or otherwise of the proposal with reason
DivisionCircleRecommendation ByRecommendationReasonLetter Whether CF agreed
CCF Northern CircleCF RecommendedThe area required is barest minimum. Considering the increasing power requirement of the State, clean sources of energy should be encouraged.Yes
Nodal Officer RecommendedThe proposal is for establishment of a run off the river hydro electric project for producing clean energy in public interest. In view of the site inspection reports of the Divisional Forest officer, Kozhikode and CCF, Northern Circle, Kannur and considering the fact that the area proposed is the barest minimum and site specific, the proposal is recommended.
Specific recommendation of the State Government(Part V)
17. Specific recommendation of the State Government for acceptance or otherwise of the proposal with reason ( Part V)
StateRecommendation ByRecommendationRecommendation DateRemarksSigning AuthorityNotificationRecommendation Letter
KeralaState SecretaryRecommended10/03/2023recommended for Stage I approvalState Govt. OfficerNo Data