(To be filled by the concerned Deputy Conservator of Forest)
State Serial No. of proposal : AP-07/2022
1. Location of the project/Scheme : Andhra Pradesh
 (i) State / Union Territory : Andhra Pradesh  (ii) District : Visakhapatnam  (iii) Forest Division : Narasipatnam,Paderu  (iv) Area of forest land proposed for diversion (in ha.) : 65.95  (v)

Category of the Proposal: Road
2. Legal status of forest land proposed for diversion
S. No. DivisionForest Land(ha.)Legal Status
1Narasipatnam59.82Reserved Forest
2Paderu0.24Reserved Forest
Total 60.06
Division 1. : Narasipatnam
3. District wise area to be diverted in the division
S. No. DistrictArea(ha.)
4. Details of Vegetation available in the forest land proposed for diversion
 (i) Density of vegetation
S. No. Area(in ha.)Density Eco-Class
159.820.7Eco 1
Total. 59.82

(ii) Species-wise local/scientific names and girth-wise enumeration of trees at FRL
S. No. Scientific Name Local Name (0-30)cm. (31-60)cm. (61-90)cm. (91-120)cm. (121-150)cm. (>150)cm.
1Misc. SpeciesAcrocarpus1125601
2Misc. SpeciesAdda000100
3Acacia AuricuiformisAcacia000353
4Misc. SpeciesAlli010000
5Misc. SpeciesAndika001000
6Misc. SpeciesAnisa010000
7Wrigtria TingtoriaAnkudupala05825400
8Misc. SpeciesApple010000
9Misc. SpeciesBadam010000
10Misc. SpeciesBadidha002000
11Erythrina IndicaBadisa022210
12Adina cordifoliaBandaru02324111841
13Misc. SpeciesBarnika028161171
14Misc. SpeciesBilla046610
15Misc. SpeciesCheepuru051200
16Misc. SpeciesChesa022000
17Misc. SpeciesChilakadiddumanu023030
18Misc. SpeciesChinaganneru000100
19Misc. SpeciesChinduga0039710
20Tamarindus IndicaChinta0446719
21Misc. SpeciesChiri010010
22Misc. SpeciesChirupudi044000
23Misc. SpeciesDadduga095823
24Misc. SpeciesDakki001000
25Misc. SpeciesDudippa013120
26Misc. SpeciesEkodi010000
27Misc. SpeciesElukachevi003000
28Misc. SpeciesGaddebettu000010
29Misc. SpeciesGalimanu014191123
31Misc. SpeciesGanneru004112
32Misc. SpeciesGarbe000100
33Misc. SpeciesGarugu000110
34Misc. SpeciesGarugudu08122054
35Moringa OliferaGaruvu081217114
36Misc. SpeciesGatha24723886
37Misc. SpeciesGeesari0144100
38Misc. SpeciesGalimanu062303
39Zizyphus XylopyrusGottimanu087200
40Misc. SpeciesGudalam001000
41Gmelin ArboreaGummadi Teak0710121311
42Misc. SpeciesGumpena21272171565512
43Misc. SpeciesGunupala001000
44Misc. SpeciesGurugudu003331
45Misc. SpeciesIndiga01014930
46Misc. SpeciesIsukarasi020311130
47Misc. SpeciesJapari001000
48Jaru mamidiJarumamidi043000
49Jaru mamidiJarumanu030000
50Misc. SpeciesJathimanu000200
51Misc. SpeciesJatra010000
52Misc. SpeciesJeeluga023300
54Misc. SpeciesKakkurthimanu013101
55Pongamia PinnataKanuga077400
56Terminalia ChebulaKaraka01110841
57Misc. SpeciesKare Nimmachettu001000
58Misc. SpeciesKokkitha001000
59Misc. SpeciesKolini010000
60Misc. SpeciesKona07111054
61Chukrasia TabularisKondavepa075210
62Misc. SpeciesKonedu000100
63Misc. SpeciesKoriki Busi000100
64Misc. SpeciesKorukudumanu071000
65Misc. SpeciesKovela044130
66Misc. SpeciesKumbi023312
68Misc. SpeciesLavurumanu001000
69Misc. SpeciesLolika0147820
71Mangifera IndicaMamidi129281519128
72Aegle MarmelosMaredu0812520
73Ficus BengalensisMarri0135106
74Misc. SpeciesMiplion000001
75Misc. SpeciesMisc000112
76Misc. SpeciesMikkamanu049011
77Misc. SpeciesMusidi013020
78Misc. SpeciesMuvvachettu0713320
79Misc. SpeciesNallagatha12728721
80Semecarpus AnacardiumNallajeedi025421542
81Misc. SpeciesNallakarra074232
82Albezzia AmaraNallaregi000101
83Misc. SpeciesNallangi001300
84Acacia NiloticaNallathumma012100
85Misc. SpeciesNaramamidi031000
86Misc. SpeciesNaramanu020000
87Misc. SpeciesNarava010000
88Misc. SpeciesNarlem000001
89Misc. SpeciesNavaru01913420
91Holoptelia integrifoliaNemalinara020110
92Misc. SpeciesNemali adugu036311
93Misc. SpeciesOlika023020
94Misc. SpeciesPaasi000001
95Misc. SpeciesPachagatha037400
96Misc. SpeciesPachari01630423920
97Misc. SpeciesPadukumanu001000
98Misc. SpeciesPala01412320
99Misc. SpeciesPampangi002200
100Artocarpus HeterophyllusPanasa018161053
101Misc. SpeciesPandiga18143953
102Misc. SpeciesPanta0552417
103Misc. SpeciesPapidi0136100
104Misc. SpeciesParadona020100
105Misc. SpeciesParijatham01515300
106Misc. SpeciesPeddabusi022105
107Ailanthus excelsaPeddamanu010000
108Misc. SpeciesPilligatha010000
110Misc. SpeciesPisini(Thella pisini)056000
111Misc. SpeciesPittamarri1571034
112Misc. SpeciesPothadimanu020100
113Misc. SpeciesPulagadam011171175
114Misc. SpeciesPullabusi000100
115Misc. SpeciesPurosalu010000
116Misc. SpeciesPuthadi0712883
117Annona ReticulataRambalam001000
118Ficus ReligiosaRavi013045
119Cassia FistulaRella060001
120Dalbergia LatifoliaRosewood0225200
121Misc. SpeciesSampangi0812535
122Misc. SpeciesSennagi021100
123Misc. SpeciesSendagi025002
124Greviia RobustaSilveroak779534086
125Misc. SpeciesSindhuga015225
126Tectona GrandisTeak79653433293
127Misc. SpeciesTellabusi001010
128Terminalia ArjunaTellachettu010000
129Misc. SpeciesTellagatha032120
130Terminalia ArjunaTellamanu042137
131Misc. SpeciesTellapoliki011200
132Misc. SpeciesThada03090502012
133Misc. SpeciesThadiki000100
134Misc. SpeciesThaduku000110
136Misc. SpeciesThellagatha013441722
137Acacia leucophloeaThumma022112
138Misc. SpeciesThummeda022211
139Misc. SpeciesThuniki098401
140Ficus BengalensisUdalamarri000001
141Misc. SpeciesUnduruka01181166
142Misc. SpeciesUppa000010
144Misc. SpeciesUtika08291410
145Misc. SpeciesVadisa031912111
146Misc. SpeciesVandanam025354
147Misc. SpeciesVelamachettu051000
148Misc. SpeciesVellangi010000
149Azadirachta IndicaVepa011100
150Madhuca indicaVippa004340
151Misc. SpeciesVudippa001100
152Pterocarpus MarsupiumYegisa01819324485
153Moringa oleiferaYenugupadam002000
154Misc. SpeciesYerragatha002000
155Misc. SpeciesMethamanu073332
156Misc. SpeciesAnem0151021225422
157Misc. SpeciesArey01810710
158Misc. SpeciesBillibithri000010
159Ficus RacemosaBodda016241089
160Misc. SpeciesBusi273116754746
161Misc. SpeciesChirumanu31891931128363
162Misc. SpeciesDhudi chettu030000
163Misc. SpeciesGiduguru010000
164Misc. SpeciesGiriki001000
165Misc. SpeciesKorukodi010000
166Misc. SpeciesKunkuma267621982
167Misc. SpeciesNaada065010
168Nalla MaddiNallamaddi14967699998
169Syzigium CuminiNeredu34548353339
170Misc. SpeciesRegu010000
171Syzigium CuminiSimaneredu1117101
172Misc. SpeciesThadi010000
173Misc. SpeciesThangedu096120886426
174Misc. SpeciesThangina04422831
175Terminalia bellericaThani177111316
176Misc. SpeciesThodachettu010000
177Misc. SpeciesThummi010000
178Misc. SpeciesThummika000001
179Misc. SpeciesBonkena012111
180Bombax CeibaBurugu0681897
181Misc. SpeciesChennangi088421
182Misc. SpeciesChilakarekka01311640
183Misc. SpeciesChinna Are010000
184Misc. SpeciesKatiki0168113
185Misc. SpeciesCoffee (APFDC)125400000
186Misc. SpeciesJafra (APFDC)11600000
187Misc. SpeciesPepper (APFDC)6900000
Total 1476 18812153 1410914 945
Sub Total (No of Trees.) 8779

5. Working plan prescription for the forest land proposed for diversion : NIL
6. Brief note on vulnerability of the forest area to erosion : There is less vulnerability of forest area to erosion, as the area is having almost plain to gentle slope except in small patches.
7. Approximate distance of the proposed site for diversion from boundary of forest(in km.) : 0
8. Significance of the forest land proposed for diversion from wildlife point of view
 (i). Details of wildlife present in and around the forest land proposed for diversion : No
 (ii). Whether forms part of national park, wildlife sanctuary, biosphere reserve,tiger reserve, elephant corridor, wildlife migration corridor etc. : No
 (iii). Whether the forest land proposed for diversion is located within eco-sensitive zone(ESZ) of the Protected Area notified under Wildlife(Protection) Act,1972 (Note: In case, ESZ of a Protected Area is not notified,then,10kms distance from boundary of the Protected Area should be treated as ESZ): No
 (iv). Whether any national park, wildlife sanctuary, biosphere reserve, tiger reserve, elephant corridor, wildlife migration corridor etc., is located within 1 Km. from boundary of the forest land proposed for diversion : No
 (v). Whether any rare/endangered/unique species of flora and fauna found in the area : No
9. Details of any protected archaeological/heritage site/defence establishment or any other important monument located in the area, if any
 (i). Whether any protected archaeological/heritage site/defence establishment or any other important monument is located in the area : No
10. Comment as to the reasonability of the extent of the forest land proposed for diversion
 (i). Whether the requirement of forest land as proposed by the user agency is unavoidable and bare minimum for the project : Yes
11. Details of violation(s), if any ,committed
 (i). Whether any work in violation of the Act or guidelines issued under the Act has been carried out : No
12. Whether work in violation is still in progres(Yes/No) : NIL
13. Details of compensatory afforestation scheme
Patch wise details for Degraded Area (To be earmarked by DFO)
(i). Total Financial Outlay for C.A(lacs): 758.70
Patch Wise Details Patch No.Area(ha.)Name of PF/RFRangeCompartment NoUploaded KML file of patch
1126.55Araku RFAraku122, 123    View file
2249.28Pedalabudu RFAraku10    View file
3323.72Machipuram RFPeddabayulu417    View file
4424.01Uppacheruvu RFPeddabayulu401    View file
5523.70Uppacheruvu RFPeddabayulu407    View file
(ii). Copy of CA scheme details: (iii). Scanned copy of the Geo-referenced map of the forest land proposed for C.A. prepared by using DGPS or Total Station: (iv). Copy of Survey of India Toposheet indicating boundary of forest land proposed for C.A.:
 (V). Copy of NOC from Competent Authority :

Additional information Details
S. No. DocumentsRemarks
1 WMP approved letter
2 Approved Bio-diversity Impact Assessment and Wildlife Mitigation Plan
3 Tree enumeration in APFDC coffee plantations
4 DM, APFDC, Chintapalli report
5 Coffee, Jafra & Pepper tree valuation statement
6 Lammasingi RL
7 Krishnapuram RL notification
8 Bointhi RF notification
9 Total tree enumeration in 59.82 ha.
10 Bit1 DGPS map with signatures
11 Compliance report
12 Wangasara RF notification
13 RoFR certificate
14 Revised authenticated DGPS maps of stretch 4,5 and 6
Division 2. : Paderu
3. District wise area to be diverted in the division
S. No. DistrictArea(ha.)
4. Details of Vegetation available in the forest land proposed for diversion
 (i) Density of vegetation
S. No. Area(in ha.)Density Eco-Class
10.240.5Eco 3
Total. 0.24

(ii) Species-wise local/scientific names and girth-wise enumeration of trees at FRL
S. No. Scientific Name Local Name (0-30)cm. (31-60)cm. (61-90)cm. (91-120)cm. (121-150)cm. (>150)cm.
1Bombax CeibaBurugu010000
2Greviia RobustaSilver oak050000
3Acacia AuricuiformisAcacia111000
4Mangifera IndicaMamidi010000
5Misc. SpeciesGarugumanu030000
6Misc. SpeciesYendiga010000
7Misc. SpeciesKunkuma010000
8Misc. SpeciesGanara010000
9Misc. SpeciesPittamanu010000
Total 1 151 00 0
Sub Total (No of Trees.) 17

5. Working plan prescription for the forest land proposed for diversion : NIL
6. Brief note on vulnerability of the forest area to erosion : The area is moderate to steep slope and there is little scope of soil erosion as the proposed area for diversion is very little.
7. Approximate distance of the proposed site for diversion from boundary of forest(in km.) : 0.005
8. Significance of the forest land proposed for diversion from wildlife point of view
 (i). Details of wildlife present in and around the forest land proposed for diversion : Does not arise. This area does not fall in National Park /Wild life sanctuary/ Biosphere reserve/ Elephant corridor proposed in this area.
 (ii). Whether forms part of national park, wildlife sanctuary, biosphere reserve,tiger reserve, elephant corridor, wildlife migration corridor etc. : No
 (iii). Whether the forest land proposed for diversion is located within eco-sensitive zone(ESZ) of the Protected Area notified under Wildlife(Protection) Act,1972 (Note: In case, ESZ of a Protected Area is not notified,then,10kms distance from boundary of the Protected Area should be treated as ESZ): No
 (iv). Whether any national park, wildlife sanctuary, biosphere reserve, tiger reserve, elephant corridor, wildlife migration corridor etc., is located within 1 Km. from boundary of the forest land proposed for diversion : No
 (v). Whether any rare/endangered/unique species of flora and fauna found in the area : No
9. Details of any protected archaeological/heritage site/defence establishment or any other important monument located in the area, if any
 (i). Whether any protected archaeological/heritage site/defence establishment or any other important monument is located in the area : No
10. Comment as to the reasonability of the extent of the forest land proposed for diversion
 (i). Whether the requirement of forest land as proposed by the user agency is unavoidable and bare minimum for the project : Yes
11. Details of violation(s), if any ,committed
 (i). Whether any work in violation of the Act or guidelines issued under the Act has been carried out : No
12. Whether work in violation is still in progres(Yes/No) : NIL
13. Details of compensatory afforestation scheme
Patch wise details for Degraded Area (To be earmarked by DFO)
(i). Total Financial Outlay for C.A(lacs): 758.70
Patch Wise Details Patch No.Area(ha.)Name of PF/RFRangeCompartment NoUploaded KML file of patch
1126.55Araku RFAraku122, 123    View file
2249.28Pedalabudu RFAraku10    View file
3323.72Machipuram RFPeddabayulu417    View file
4424.01Uppacheruvu RFPeddabayulu401    View file
5523.7Uppacheruvu RFPeddabayulu407    View file
(ii). Copy of CA scheme details: (iii). Scanned copy of the Geo-referenced map of the forest land proposed for C.A. prepared by using DGPS or Total Station: (iv). Copy of Survey of India Toposheet indicating boundary of forest land proposed for C.A.:
 (V). Copy of NOC from Competent Authority :

Additional information Details
S. No. DocumentsRemarks
1 RoFR certificate
2 DGPS MAP 0.24
3 Tree enumeration
4 MAP 0.24

14. District Profile District NameGeographical area of the district (in ha.)Forest area of the district (in ha.)Total forest area diverted since 1980 (in ha.)No. of Approved CasesForest Land including penal C.A. (in ha.)Progress of compensatory afforestation as on(date)A) Forest land (in ha.)B) Non-forest land (in ha.)
15. Site inspection report of the DFO/CCF/Nodal Officer highlighting important facts pertaining to the forest land
Division NameCircleSite inspected ByWhether site inspectedNo. of times site visited Site inspection reportDate of visit
(Specific recommendation of the DFO/CCF/Nodal Officer with(Part II,III & Part IV))
16. Specific recommendation of the DFO/CCF/Nodal Officer for acceptance or otherwise of the proposal with reason
DivisionCircleRecommendation ByRecommendationReasonLetter Whether CF agreed
NarasipatnamVisakhapatnamDFO RecommendedThe proposed road is recommended as the required forest area is unavoidable for the project and no endangered and unique species of Flora and Fauna found in the proposed area and there is no archeological heritage importance in this locality and as per the User agency project report the proposed project road Koyyuru Paderu connects Koyyuru, Krishnadevipeta, Chintapalli, Lammasingi, Paderu spanning through erstwhile Visakhapatnam district, which forms an important artery for movement of agricultural produce and other goods between Andhra Pradesh and Odisha and main connectivity between Rajahmahendravaram,Vizianagaram, Odisha and West Bengal.
PaderuVisakhapatnamDFO RecommendedProposals are accepted as there is not much loss to flora and fauna, and this facilitates the conveyance to the local tribes with barest minimum disturbance to the environment.
VisakhapatnamCF RecommendedThe CCF, Visakhapatnam has recommended the proposal.Yes
Nodal Officer RecommendedProposal Recommended
Specific recommendation of the State Government(Part V)
17. Specific recommendation of the State Government for acceptance or otherwise of the proposal with reason ( Part V)
StateRecommendation ByRecommendationRecommendation DateRemarksSigning AuthorityNotificationRecommendation Letter
Andhra PradeshState SecretaryRecommended21/04/2023Proposal forwarded to GoI, MoEF and CC, IRO, Vijayawada for according Stage I approval.State Govt. OfficerNo Data
17. Stage-I Clearance Report
Regional OfficeRecommendation ByMoEF File No.Date of Stage-I ClearanceClearance Letter
VijayawadaRegional Office4-APA209/2023-VIJ06/07/2023
18. Payment made by User Agency
Proposal No.Application No.Total Amount (Rs.)Recieved Amount (Rs.)Transaction DateTransaction IDBank NameMode of PaymentDemmand Generated By User AgencyDemmand Verified By Nodal OfficerUploaded Demand Letter
FP/AP/ROAD/49639/2020ROAD496392020335200,275,000.00200,275,000.002023-08-1176238Union Bank Of IndiaNEFT/RTGS (Challan)2023-08-032023-08-04
19. Uploaded Status of Land to be transferred to Forest Department under FCA (Mutation Details) : No
20. Mutation Details Verified By Nodal Officer
Proposal No.Verified DateMutation LetterRemarks
FP/AP/ROAD/49639/202023 Sep 2023No DataVerified.
21. Compliance Details Submitted by User Agency
Proposal No.Compliance Details submitted on(Date)Uploaded Letter
FP/AP/ROAD/49639/202026 Sep 2023
22. Compliance Details Verified by Nodal Officer
Proposal No.RemarksVerified DateUploaded Letter
FP/AP/ROAD/49639/2020Compliance report uploaded08 Dec 2023
23. Stage-II Clearance Details
Proposal No.Date of Stage-II ClearanceProposal StatusClearance Letter
FP/AP/ROAD/49639/202012 Feb 2024APPROVED